Napoleon Bonaparte: A Biography PDF

Napoleon Bonaparte A Biography PDF

Napoleon Bonaparte: A Biography PDF

There have been many warriors in the world whose names have become immortal forever in history. One such warrior was Napoleon Bonaparte, who was called the great emperor of France. He ruled a large part of the world. Britain’s great warrior Duke of Wellington had said about Napoleon Bonaparte, born in Ajaccio, Corsica island, on 15 August 1769, that he alone was equal to 40,000 warriors on the battlefield.

Napoleon’s life journey from a common man to the throne of the emperor was very interesting. Napoleon Bonaparte is counted among the world’s greatest generals in history. He implemented a new legal code in France, which is known as Napoleon’s Code. Their law code recognized the practice of civil marriage and divorce. Back then, this was a significant event.

Napoleon was born on 15 August 1769 in the city of Ajaccio, the French-occupied capital of Corsica. This city is on the island of Corsica. Napoleon had four brothers and three sisters. Napoleon was not from a very rich family, but he was very bright in his studies. Therefore, his parents sent him to France for studies at the age of just nine.

He studied at different places and received his graduate degree in September 1785. He then later joined the French Army, where he got the rank of Second Lieutenant in an artillery regiment. You will be surprised to know that Napoleon was made Brigadier General at the age of just 24.

Napoleon had won many battles with his bravery and wisdom. As a commander, he also created the most powerful army in France. Seeing his personal qualities and courage, his relations with the then-influential leaders of France became stronger. After some time, he was also appointed the commander of the internal army. Meanwhile, he got married to Josephine on 9 March 1796.

Napoleon had no children from his first wife Josephine, so he married Marie Louis, daughter of the Emperor of Austria, from whom he fathered a child. Napoleon liberated France from foreign enemies with his war skills.

Due to his indomitable courage and bravery, he became the commander of the French Army of Italy at the age of 27, and with this he conquered Sardinia. With his war skills, he forced Sardinia to surrender and handed over much of the conquered territory of Sardinia to France.

Napoleon’s next victorious campaign was to invade Austria and force its Emperor Camp Borneo to accept the humiliating terms of the treaty. After this, Napoleon got the Pope to sign the treaty of the three and forced them to accept the subordination of France. After this, France sent Napoleon to capture England, but the obstacle of the English Channel stopped Napoleon’s victory chariot.

After conquering Egypt, Napoleon decided to subdue the British colonies located in East Asia and marched with 35,000 trained soldiers in 1798. He captured Malta, the Pyramids, Alexandria, and the entire Nile valley along the way. Now he was moving towards India, but Napoleon was defeated by the power of the British Navy.

Later, on returning to the land of France, he established a new Consulate government with his political skills and declared himself the ruler there. The French people accepted Napoleon Bonaparte as their emperor on 15 December 1799.

Along with this, on 25 December 1799, he implemented the new constitution of the country. In the year 1804, the Senate in its resolution approved Napoleon as the Emperor of France. As soon as he became the ruler, Napoleon made radical reforms in the country’s economy, administration, education, military, and justice systems.

To improve the religious situation, Napoleon first implemented a new constitution to correct the corrupt and immoral character of the priests, to end the privileges of the Church, to confiscate the properties of the priests who fooled the public under the guise of superstition and to confiscate the properties of the Church. It is believed that Napoleon carried out many important reforms while holding the post of emperor till 1814. But after the Battle of Leipzig,

Napoleon was removed from the throne of Emperor of France and he was exiled. After this, he had to live on the island of Elba. After some time Napoleon escaped from the island of Elba and returned to his country. After reaching there he was again accepted as the emperor. He had to face a huge defeat from the Allies in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.

After this, he surrendered to England, as a result of which he was sent to the island of St. Helena. He was tortured for six years and Napoleon also wrote in his will before his death that I should be buried on the banks of the River Seine among the people of France, whom I love so much.

However, there are differences of opinion among many historians regarding the death of Napoleon Bonaparte. Most believe that he died of stomach cancer. Some historians say that after the defeat at the Battle of Waterloo, Napoleon was exiled to the island of St. Helena in 1821, where he died at the age of 52.

But in the year 2001, French experts tested one of Napoleon’s hair and discovered that he had been given a poison called arsenic. It is believed that perhaps the then-British Governor of St. Helena conspired with the French Count to assassinate Napoleon. However, according to American scientists, Napoleon’s disease was treated. This treatment was the reason for his death.

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